On Application of Short-term Tenancy System to Industrial Land Use in Chinese Development Zone 关于我国开发区工业用地实行短租制的探讨
House tenancy register records system is designed by the state to strengthen the administration of the real estate tenancy market. 房屋租赁登记备案制度,是国家为了加强对房地产租赁市场的管理而设立的。
Commercial and Non-domestic Tenancy Management Information System Sunrise is a professional investment and consultant company dealing in office, apartment and villa etc. 商业及非住宅租务资料系统上海策贤投资咨询有限公司,是一家专业从事商务楼和高档住宅租赁业务的公司。
The system of agricultural partnership had such types as the partnership system concerning tenancy system, partnership between funds and funds, and the partnership from mutual purchase. 清代农业中的合伙制存在着多种类型:与租佃制等有关的合伙制、资本与资本的合伙、由共买共有关系转化来的合伙制等。
The Design and Implementation of Sport Equipment Tenancy System in College 高等院校体育器材租借系统的设计与实现
The Tenancy system originated in Han Dynasty and spread widely in Song Dynasty. 包佃产生于汉代,广泛发展于宋元时期。
The evaluations on tenancy system and property whole transformation are little higher than that of control group but property whole transformation shows a negative effect on general evaluation. 租赁制与资产整体转让评分略高于对照组,但资产整体转让对总评分呈负向影响。
The long term tenancy system of hill land 山地长期租佃制&湖南省新晃县山地制度改革的实践与思考
Analyzed the reason of agricultural land property system's low efficiency from the point of transaction cost, supervision cost and right of use, the author pointed out that the tenancy in perpetuity system may be ideal reform direction at present, and put forward concrete measure. 通过交易成本、监督成本以及使用权深入分析现存农地产权制度低效率的原因,指出国有永佃制是目前理想的改革方向,并提出相应的具体措施。
Analyzing the tenancy system in twenties and thirties of the twentieth century, this dissertation illuminated that the tenancy system of this era was feudal and backward, bringing about many unfavorable impacts on the country society. 本文重点对二十世纪二三十年代北方乡村的土地租佃制度及其对农村社会造成的影响进行了分析。
The tenancy system as seen as from the institutional school 从制度学派的角度看租佃制
It can be explained by two causes: one is that the soil tenancy system has the predominance in the connection of soil right, the other is it's predominance in economy performance. 之所以如此,一要归之于租佃制在土地权属关系上的优势,其次是由于它在经济绩效方面的优势。
The profit-dividing and employment system, embodying a kind of capitalist relationship, took place in the tenancy system as an obvious change in the modern Chinese feudal society. 中国封建租佃关系到近代发生了一个明显的变化,即出现了带资本主义生产关系性质的分益雇役制。
It was tenancy in perpetuity system but not tenancy in perpetuity that existed in the ancient times of China; 中国古代存在永佃制,但绝没有永佃权;
Comparative Analysis on Well Field System and Tenancy System 井田制与租佃制的比较分析
Through this year's reform, there appeared a development of tenancy system, an enlargement of tenancy areas, a growth of numbers of tenants and a strengthen of management of Warehouse, and the rate of false written certificate lowered much. 嘉禾五年的改革,使租佃制度得到发展,租佃上地的地区扩大、租佃者数量增加、仓库的管理也大为加强,田家莂书写的错误率大大降低了。
Economists raise a reform scheme of countryside land tenancy system to perfect the land use system of countryside. 针对农地使用制度的完善,经济学家提出了农地租赁制度的改革方案。
Their propositions consist of implementing permanent tenancy, building modern agricultural allowance and insurance system. 可考虑通过实施土地永佃制、创建现代农业补贴架构和现代农业保险机制来实现农业生产制度创新。
Former scholars analyzed it on the basis of traditional theories and concluded with the inefficiency of the tenancy system. 以往学者们从传统理论上分析,总是认为租佃制是无效率的。
On the Law Thinking of Land Tenancy System of Countryside in China& Additionally Building and Perfecting the Leasehold of Countryside Land 关于农地租赁制度的法律思考&兼谈我国农地租赁权的构建与完善
There is nothing else but to improve the tenancy level of the teachers, to establish a new tenancy system and to strengthen the management of the building of the team of the teachers. 只有确立新的教师任职制度,不断地提高教师的任职水平,不断提高教师队伍建设的管理水平,才有可能提高办学水平。
The soil tenancy system was kept prospering in those country lying in the southern of the Tai Lake since the 16th century and it had been becoming a mainstream among the production connection. 十六世纪以来,太湖流域以南广大农村地区租佃制兴盛不衰,一度成为主流的生产关系。
As a significant tenancy system, which had been used much widely. It can cause new consideration for land contract system that has a few flaws in Chinese rural area. 作为一项曾如此广泛适用的土地租佃制度,对我国农村土地承包经营制度缺陷突显的今天而言,必然能带来一些新的思考。
Therefore, the great development of the western tenancy system, was mainly the result of the monopoly financial groups 'control. 所以西部租佃制的大发展,主要是垄断金融集团作用的结果。
Section one describes the five land-use right transfer innovation model, they are permanent tenancy, the three field system, the two field system, "Four" right to use the auction, stock cooperative system. 第一节介绍了土地使用权流转的五种创新模式,它们是永佃制、四荒使用权拍卖、股份合作制。
Land ownership and its derived tenancy system, from one aspect, reflected the transformation of countryside economy and changes in countryside society. 地权以及与之相联系的租佃制度从一个侧面反映了乡村经济的转型和乡村社会的变化。
There is a long history about permanent tenancy system, whatever in the east or west. 永佃制度无论是在我国还是在西方,都有悠久的历史。
These had all led to the difficulties and popularity of the tenancy system. 这些都导致了农场经营的困难和租佃制大行其道。
Therefore, the tenancy system was based on large-scale development of financial-based results of the joint effect of monopoly power. 因此,租佃制的大发展是以金融为主的垄断力量共同作用的结果。
House tenancy register records system is built for managing the rental market, which regulates house lease parties have the responsibility to rent rental contract to house property management authority to review. 房屋租赁登记备案制度是国家为了管理租赁市场而规定的要求房屋租赁当事人将房屋租赁合同向房产管理部门登记备案,由房管部门对租赁合同进行审查的制度。